Hungary - Regulations on Entry, Stay and Residence for PLHIV

Restriction category relative to Hungary

  • Countries without restrictions

Entry regulations Residence regulations Additional information
No restrictions affecting people living with HIV. A known HIV-positive status has to be reported when applying for residence permit, but it cannot serve as ground for denying the permit.

HIV-specific entry and residence regulations for Hungary

The U.S. Department of State is unaware of any HIV/AIDS entry restrictions for visitors to or foreign residents of Hungary.

(Source: 1)

There is no compulsory HIV testing for entry or residence. A known HIV-positive status has to be reported when applying for a residence permit, and the applicant has to commit to undergoing treatment while in Hungary. If the person refuses to be treated for HIV they can be expelled. An HIV-positive status, however, is not a ground for rejecting entry or residence, such a rejection would be unlawful discrimination based on health status under the Equal Treatment Act.

In some cases, the immigration authority requests further documentation like latest lab test results, statement from current doctor etc. to support the application. If the person receives a positive HIV-test result after entering the country, the HIV-positive status does not have to be reported, only when an application to renew the residence permit is submitted.

(Source: 2) 


HIV treatment information for Hungary

Free and anonymous HIV testing is available at both public and NGO testing sites.

HIV treatment is exclusively offered by four HIV centers in Budapest, Debrecen, Miskolc and Pécs.

HIV treatment including lab tests and medication is covered by compulsory public health insurance. In order to be insured, one has to fall under categories prescribed by law, most commonly: be employed, registered as a freelancer, enrolled in higher education with a public scholarship, or receive certain social benefits. For a full list of categories consult Section 22(1) of Act no. CXXII of 2019. Hungarian and EU/EEA citizens can also become insured by paying a moderate monthly fee (egészségügyi szolgáltatási járulék). If not insured or not covered by such fee, private health insurance covering HIV treatment has to be acquired or the person has to enter into a special agreement (megállapodáson alapuló jogosultság) with the National Health Insurance Fund, but the monthly fee for such an agreement is prohibitively high.

HIV medication for personal use can be imported when entering the country or sent via post or courier service if accompanied by a doctor’s prescription.

(Source: 2) 


HIV information / HIV NGOs in Hungary


Global Criminalisation of HIV Transmission Scan

The Global Criminalisation Scan is an initiative of GNP+. It aims to collect and keep up to date information on national and state level laws criminalising the transmission of or exposure to HIV. It also aims to provide an easily accessible ‘clearing-house’ of resources, research, and initiatives on the subject and to provide a platform for advocacy initiatives.

Find out more about the scan and the criminalisation of HIV transmission legislation at



  1. US State Department Of State; Bureau of Consular Affairs; / June 15, 2021; consulted February 28, 2022
  2. Bence Szabó, HIV/AIDS programme director, Háttér Society, August 16, 2021 (by e-mail)


updated: 2/28/2022
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